Our Services
If you are experiencing emotional or behavioral problems, we are here to help to restore your hope and sense of direction. We are qualified mental health providers willing and ready to listen and help you cope during your struggle with depression or anxiety, or any life stressors in a non-judgemental and supportive environment. Our ultimate goal is to strengthen your mind, enable you to use your full mental potential, bring contentment, and restore your inner happiness. Assured Hope Community Health, LLC clinicians are trained to listen closely to your feelings, thoughts, and fears in a supportive environment. Call the office today to schedule an initial evaluation with Assured Hope Community Health, or make an appointment online.

What is psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a treatment for emotional and mental health conditions, and it entails ongoing counseling support from a qualified clinician. Psychotherapy aims to empower you to appreciate and understand your feelings and proactively identify and cope with challenging emotions before they disrupt your overall functioning at home, work, and the community.

Types of psychotherapy
Assure Hope Community Health, LLC clinicians are experienced and trained in various counseling modalities. These will be incorporated into their treatment sessions to provide personalized and holistic care. These include may include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Person-Centered Therapy
Conditions treated with psychotherapy and counseling
Our counselors at Assured Hope Community Health, LLC are experienced, ready to listen and address a wide range of behavioral, emotional, and mental health concerns, including:
- List Item #1
- Depression
- Depression
- Depression
- Depression
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Anger management
- Parenting skills
- Alcohol and substance abuse
- Eating disorders
- School or work-related issues
- Issues related to gender identity, sexual orientation, and sexuality
- Multicultural issues
What is counseling?
Counseling is a short-term talk therapy that addresses a specific and immediate challenge or situation. This definition differs from psychotherapy, an elaborate long-term process meant to address many emotional issues or conditions.
Our experienced clinicians at Assured Hope Community Health, LLC work as counselors to help you understand your immediate situation/problem and empower you to devise a plan to resolve the issue in a non-judgemental environment. Our caring counselors are here to help and are ready to provide the following services to families, youth, individuals, and couples.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Person-Centered Therapy
- Stress management

Telehealth Psychotherapy and counseling
Counseling can benefit couples looking to strengthen their emotional connection in all stages of their relationship. Online sessions are held from the safety of your own home with both teams at a convenient time through our easy scheduling platform.
Intake Assessment: 45-60 minutes
This aims intake assessment takes 45 to 60 minutes, sometimes longer, depending on your psychological needs. During this assessment, you will be given a psychiatric evaluation and asked a series of questions that will assist the clinician in generating a diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. The provider will conduct a clinical interview while observing your behavior and plan your physical appearance. The provider may use checklists and rating scales, observations of behavior, and standardized psychological testing to evaluate symptoms and generate a clear picture of your psychological health. This assessment aims to properly diagnose the client using the DSM-V criteria so that they will be started on the appropriate psychiatric medication, psychotherapy, or counseling. Generating plan physical this assessment aims to develop a plan.

Follow-up Assessment (Medication management 20-30 minutes, therapy 45-60 minutes)
Your provider will perform follow-up medication visits, psychotherapy, or counseling assessments after the intake assessment in a few days, weeks, or less than three months so that the medication provider can evaluate the benefits or adverse effects of medications. The provider could also take measurements and other clinical data to justify the need to continue the same course of treatment or change the course of treatment. Also, a new treatment plan and new goals for your care may be discussed or initiated to ensure that you achieve sustainable psychological and behavioral health. Likewise, the psychotherapist will conduct follow-up visits to ensure supportive care, evaluate whether to continue the same therapy or modify the course therapy and initiate new psychotherapy modalities and new goals of your care to achieve sustainable psychological and behavioral health.
Medication management involves evaluating and managing psychopharmacological/psychotropic medications to treat behavioral and mental health disorders such as major depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, etc. qualified mental health providers
The Medication Management visit is used to cover a broad range of clinical activities, including but not limited to performing the patient’s psychiatric assessment while paying close attention to the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms, behaviors, physical appearance, family history, medical and inpatient and outpatient hospitalizations, substance, or drug use, etc. During the assessment, the specialist will diagnose and prescribe new medications and continue with current medications or discontinue medications depending on the efficacy or lack thereof. In addition, the clinician will comprehensively review prescriptions and their possible interaction or side effects and formulate short- and long-term medication treatment plans with future schedules to evaluate the medication response. qualified mental health providers
If you believe that you have symptoms, please reach us by filling out the intake form online on our website at assuredhopehealth.com or call the main office number at 978-677-6354, Fax 978-677-6456. Also, you can have your doctor, insurance, or hospital send your information by the same means listed above.
After the intake assessment, the provider with schedule you for a follow-up visit/s to examine symptoms and response to medications as well as medication side effects, etc. Subsequent visits will be scheduled moving forward depending on your disease progression.
Depending on your diagnosis, symptoms, and several other evidence-based criteria, the provider can treat a wide range of disorders, including but not limited to major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic disorder, insomnia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, acute stress disorder, ETOH use disorder, etc.