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Hery Kaggwa
Hery Kaggwa
PMHNP-BC, APRN. Clinical Director
Assured Hope Community Health. LLC
June 16, 2024

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is a pervasive psychological condition characterized by an excessive need to be taken care of by others, leading to submissive and clinging behaviors. Individuals with DPD often struggle with making everyday decisions without a significant amount of advice and reassurance from others, and they typically rely on others to take responsibility for most major areas of their lives. This reliance stems from deep-seated fears of abandonment and helplessness, which can lead to unhealthy and sometimes abusive relationships. Understanding and addressing DPD is crucial as it significantly impacts an individual’s ability to function independently and maintain balanced, healthy relationships​ (Cleveland Clinic)​​ (Merck Manuals)​​ (PsychDB)​.

What is Dependent Personality Disorder?

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is a mental health condition characterized by a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, which leads to submissive and clinging behaviors, and a fear of separation. Individuals with DPD often have difficulty making everyday decisions without an inordinate amount of advice and reassurance from others. They may need others to assume responsibility for most major areas of their lives, have difficulty expressing disagreement due to fear of loss of support or approval, and struggle to initiate projects or do things on their own due to a lack of self-confidence. This disorder typically manifests in early adulthood and is often rooted in childhood experiences such as chronic illness, separation anxiety, or abusive relationships. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, genetic factors also play a significant role in the development of DPD, with heritability estimates indicating a substantial genetic component​ (Merck Manuals)​​ (PsychDB)​ (1) (2).

Individuals with DPD often go to great lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of volunteering for unpleasant tasks. They feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone, due to exaggerated fears of being unable to care for themselves. When a close relationship ends, they urgently seek another relationship for care and support, which can lead to a cycle of dependency and unhealthy relationships. This pervasive dependency can severely impact their personal and professional lives, limiting their ability to function independently and maintain balanced relationships​ (Cleveland Clinic)​​ (PsychDB)​.

Symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is marked by a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, which leads to submissive and clinging behaviors and a fear of separation. Individuals with DPD exhibit a range of symptoms that significantly impact their daily lives and interpersonal relationships. Here are some of the core symptoms:

  1. Difficulty Making Decisions: Individuals with DPD often struggle to make everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. This can include decisions about what to wear, what to eat, or other routine choices. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, this difficulty in decision-making is a hallmark of the disorder and often requires significant support from others (2) .
  2. Reliance on Others for Major Responsibilities: People with DPD need others to assume responsibility for most major areas of their lives, such as finances, living arrangements, and career choices. This dependency often extends to their personal and professional lives. Research highlights that this reliance is driven by deep-seated fears of being unable to function independently (3).
  3. Fear of Abandonment: There is a pronounced fear of abandonment or being left alone, which can lead individuals to tolerate mistreatment or abuse to avoid ending a relationship. This fear drives many of their behaviors and decisions. A comprehensive overview from PubMed Central emphasizes that this fear of abandonment is a central feature of DPD and can lead to significant emotional distress (1).
  4. Lack of Self-Confidence: Those with DPD often lack confidence in their own judgment and abilities, making it difficult for them to initiate projects or do things independently. They may feel inadequate and helpless when alone. This lack of self-confidence can result in an overwhelming need for validation and support from others.
  5. Submissiveness and Clinginess: Individuals with DPD exhibit submissive behaviors, such as avoiding disagreement or conflict to maintain support and approval from others. They may agree to things they do not believe in or want to do just to avoid disapproval or abandonment. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, this submissiveness is a coping mechanism to avoid perceived rejection or abandonment .
  6. Urgent Need for Replacement Relationships: When a close relationship ends, individuals with DPD urgently seek another relationship to provide the care and support they feel unable to live without. This can lead to a cycle of dependency and unhealthy relationships. Studies have shown that this behavior is driven by an intense fear of being alone and the need for continuous support.
  7. Tolerance of Mistreatment: Due to their intense fear of being alone, individuals with DPD may tolerate physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. They often feel they cannot function without the support of the abusive partner. This tolerance of mistreatment is often linked to their deep-seated fear of abandonment and their belief that they cannot survive on their own.
  8. Preoccupation with Fears of Being Left to Care for Themselves: There is often an unrealistic preoccupation with fears of being left to take care of themselves, which drives their dependent behaviors and need for reassurance. This preoccupation can dominate their thoughts and significantly impact their mental well-being.

These symptoms can severely impact the quality of life and functionality of individuals with DPD, making it essential for them to seek appropriate mental health treatment, such as psychotherapy, to develop more independence and improve their self-esteem (Cleveland Clinic)​​ (PsychDB)​​ (Merck Manuals)​ (1) (2) (3).

Causes and Risk Factors of Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is a complex mental health condition that arises from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Understanding these causes and risk factors is crucial for identifying and addressing the disorder effectively.

  1. Genetic Factors: Research indicates that genetic predisposition plays a significant role in the development of DPD. Studies have shown that individuals with a family history of anxiety disorders or other personality disorders are at a higher risk of developing DPD themselves. This genetic link suggests that hereditary factors contribute to the underlying vulnerability to the disorder.
  2. Childhood Experiences: Adverse childhood experiences are one of the most significant risk factors for DPD. These include experiences of chronic illness, separation anxiety, and abusive or neglectful relationships during formative years. Children who grow up in environments where they are overprotected or excessively controlled by caregivers may develop dependency patterns as a coping mechanism. Such experiences hinder the development of autonomy and self-confidence, leading to dependence on others for emotional and decision-making support.
  3. Environmental Influences: The environment in which a person is raised can significantly impact the likelihood of developing DPD. For example, cultural and societal norms that emphasize hierarchical relationships and obedience can foster dependency traits. Additionally, individuals from unstable or chaotic family backgrounds may develop dependent behaviors as a means of seeking stability and support from others.
  4. Psychological Factors: Psychological traits such as low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and a high need for approval and reassurance are closely associated with DPD. These traits can stem from early interactions with caregivers who either criticize excessively or provide insufficient encouragement for independent behavior. Consequently, individuals may grow up believing that they are incapable of making decisions or handling life’s challenges on their own.
  5. Attachment Styles: Attachment theory suggests that the quality of early relationships with primary caregivers influences an individual’s ability to form healthy relationships in adulthood. People with insecure or anxious attachment styles are more likely to develop DPD. These individuals may have learned to rely excessively on others for validation and support, fearing abandonment and rejection if they attempt to assert their independence.
  6. Comorbid Mental Health Conditions: The presence of other mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety disorders, can exacerbate the symptoms of DPD. Comorbid conditions may increase an individual’s reliance on others for emotional support and decision-making, thereby reinforcing dependent behaviors (1) (4).

By understanding these multifaceted causes and risk factors, mental health professionals can better diagnose and treat individuals with Dependent Personality Disorder, helping them develop healthier, more autonomous ways of functioning. ​

Diagnosis of Dependent Personality Disorder

Diagnosing Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) involves a comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional, often using a combination of clinical interviews, psychological evaluations, and criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The diagnosis process is crucial for identifying the specific symptoms and underlying issues associated with DPD to provide effective treatment.

  1. Clinical Interviews: During a clinical interview, the mental health professional will gather detailed information about the individual’s history, current symptoms, and the impact of these symptoms on their daily life. This process involves asking about personal relationships, past experiences, and behavior patterns. Clinicians look for signs of dependency, such as difficulty making decisions without advice, needing others to take responsibility for major areas of life, and a pervasive fear of abandonment.
  2. DSM-5 Criteria: According to the DSM-5, a diagnosis of DPD is made when there is a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, leading to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation. This need must be present in various contexts and should begin by early adulthood. The DSM-5 criteria include at least five of the following behaviors:
  1. Psychological Assessments: Psychological assessments may include standardized questionnaires and self-report inventories designed to evaluate personality traits and the presence of dependent behaviors. Tools such as the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) or the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ) can help in identifying personality disorders, including DPD.
  2. Differential Diagnosis: It is essential to distinguish DPD from other personality disorders and mental health conditions that may present with similar symptoms. For example, individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may also fear abandonment but typically exhibit more intense emotional swings and impulsive behaviors. Similarly, those with Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD) may avoid social interactions due to fear of criticism and rejection, but unlike DPD, they do not typically seek out relationships for support.
  3. Comorbid Conditions: DPD often coexists with other mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Identifying and addressing these comorbid conditions is a critical part of the diagnostic process. A comprehensive assessment helps ensure that the individual receives appropriate treatment for all underlying issues.
  4.  Involvement of Family and Friends: Given the nature of DPD, individuals may lack insight into their behaviors and the impact on their lives. Involving family members and close friends in the diagnostic process can provide valuable perspectives and additional information about the individual’s behavior patterns and relationship dynamics.

By thoroughly assessing these aspects, clinicians can accurately diagnose Dependent Personality Disorder and develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs (2) (5) (6).

Impact on Relationships and Daily Life of Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) significantly affects an individual’s relationships and daily life, often leading to patterns of behavior that can strain personal connections and impair overall functioning. Here’s an exploration of these impacts, incorporating insights from relevant research, including findings from PubMed.

  1. Impact on Romantic Relationships: Individuals with DPD often exhibit intense fear of abandonment, leading to clinginess and submissiveness in romantic relationships. They may excessively rely on their partners to make decisions and manage their lives, which can create an imbalanced dynamic. This reliance can cause frustration and resentment in partners, who may feel overwhelmed by the constant need for support and reassurance. 
  2. Effect on Family Dynamics: Within family settings, individuals with DPD may depend heavily on family members for emotional and practical support. This dependency can place a significant burden on family members, leading to feelings of exhaustion and resentment. Family dynamics may become strained as members navigate the individual’s need for constant support. Children of individuals with DPD may also experience role reversal, where they are compelled to take on caregiving responsibilities, impacting their own development and well-being.
  3. Friendships and Social Interactions: Friendships can also be affected by DPD. Individuals with the disorder may exhibit passive behavior, avoid expressing opinions, and go to great lengths to please others to avoid conflict or rejection. This can lead to one-sided friendships where the individual with DPD is overly accommodating and does not receive reciprocal support. Over time, friends may feel burdened by the need to provide constant reassurance and support, leading to potential withdrawal from the relationship.
  4. Professional Life and Career: In the workplace, individuals with DPD may struggle with decision-making and taking initiative, often requiring excessive guidance and reassurance from colleagues and supervisors. This dependency can limit their career advancement and opportunities for leadership roles. Their reluctance to assert themselves or take on independent tasks can also be perceived as a lack of competence or ambition, potentially impacting their job performance and career progression.
  5. Daily Functioning and Independence: The pervasive need for support and reassurance significantly impairs daily functioning and independence. Individuals with DPD may find it challenging to perform everyday tasks without assistance, leading to a lack of self-sufficiency. This dependency can result in increased stress and anxiety, particularly in situations where support is not readily available. The constant need for validation and fear of abandonment can also lead to avoidance of new experiences and opportunities that could foster growth and independence.
  6. Mental Health and Well-Being: The chronic stress associated with DPD can exacerbate other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The ongoing fear of abandonment and feelings of helplessness can contribute to a cycle of negative emotions and mental health challenges. Addressing these co-occurring conditions is crucial for improving overall well-being and helping individuals with DPD lead more fulfilling and independent lives.

Understanding the impact of DPD on relationships and daily life is essential for developing effective treatment plans that address these challenges and support individuals in building healthier, more autonomous lives (2) (3).

Treatment and Management of Dependent Personality Disorder

Treating and managing Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) involves a combination of therapeutic approaches aimed at fostering independence, improving self-esteem, and addressing underlying psychological issues. Effective management often requires long-term commitment and the involvement of mental health professionals. Here are the key aspects of treatment and management for DPD:

  1. Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is the cornerstone of treatment for DPD. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge their dependency-related thoughts and behaviors, and develop healthier, more independent patterns of thinking. Through CBT, patients learn to build self-confidence, improve decision-making skills, and reduce their reliance on others for emotional support.
  2. Psychodynamic Therapy: Psychodynamic therapy focuses on exploring the underlying emotional and psychological issues that contribute to DPD. This type of therapy aims to uncover unresolved conflicts and past experiences that have shaped the individual’s dependent behavior. By gaining insight into these issues, individuals can work through their dependency and develop a stronger sense of self.
  3. Medication: While there is no specific medication for DPD, pharmacotherapy can be useful in treating comorbid conditions such as anxiety and depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other antidepressants can help manage these symptoms, which often exacerbate dependency behaviors. It is important that medication is used in conjunction with psychotherapy to address the root causes of DPD.
  4. Group Therapy: Group therapy provides a supportive environment where individuals with DPD can connect with others facing similar challenges. This setting allows participants to practice social skills, gain feedback from peers, and build a network of support. Group therapy can also help individuals realize that they are not alone in their struggles, which can be empowering and reduce feelings of isolation.
  5. Family Therapy: Involving family members in the treatment process can be beneficial, as it helps address the dynamics that may contribute to the individual’s dependency. Family therapy aims to improve communication, set healthy boundaries, and encourage family members to support the individual’s journey toward independence. Educating family members about DPD can also reduce enabling behaviors that reinforce dependency.
  6. Skills Training: Skills training programs focus on teaching practical skills that enhance independence and self-sufficiency. These programs may include assertiveness training, problem-solving techniques, and decision-making strategies. By developing these skills, individuals with DPD can become more confident in their ability to manage their own lives without excessive reliance on others.
  7. Long-Term Support: Given the chronic nature of personality disorders, long-term support is often necessary. Regular follow-up sessions with a therapist can help individuals maintain the progress they have made and address any setbacks. Ongoing support groups and community resources can also provide continuous encouragement and guidance.
  8. Holistic Approaches: Incorporating holistic approaches such as mindfulness, meditation, and stress management techniques can enhance overall well-being and complement traditional therapies. These practices can help individuals manage anxiety and develop a more balanced, resilient approach to life’s challenges.

Through a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment, individuals with Dependent Personality Disorder can develop the skills and confidence needed to lead more independent and fulfilling lives (7) (8) (9). ​


Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) significantly impacts relationships and daily life due to its symptoms of excessive dependency and fear of abandonment. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and diagnostic criteria is crucial for early intervention. Effective treatment typically involves cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and sometimes medication, along with supportive group and family therapies. By addressing underlying issues and building self-confidence, individuals with DPD can achieve greater independence and lead more fulfilling lives.


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